Improving the performance of a ploughing tractor by means of an auxiliary carriage with motorized axle

Published: 18 March 2021
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The article describes the analysis of results from field tests on ploughing units based on a modular draft device (MDD). This device is named MDD-100 and consists of an energy module and a technological module. The energy module is a universal tractor with a rated draft resistance of 16 kN. The technological module is an additional axle, equipped with an active wheel drive, a threepoint hitch linkage, and a saddle-type semi-trailer. During the working process, the draft resistance of the energy and the technological modules of the MDD-100 add up. As a result, the draft resistance of the latter may reach 26 kN, and more. This allows the MDD-100 to be classified as a draft device in traction class 3 and be used with agricultural machines with a large working width. The MDD-100 was tested with a five-bottom mounted plough with a working width of 1.75 m and a draft resistance of 24-28 kN. The best option for driving the MDD-100 with a plough was its movement with the right-side wheels in the furrow. The draft resistance of the plough would decrease by 12.0%, if the option of the MDD-100 outside the furrow is used. This ensured a 12.8% reduction in the skidding of the MDD-100 wheels and a 13.1% decrease of fuel consumption for the ploughing unit. Compared to a 4WD tractor, the use of a modular draft device with a 6WD wheel arrangement offered a greater stability of the ploughing depth.



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How to Cite

Bulgakov, V. (2021) “Improving the performance of a ploughing tractor by means of an auxiliary carriage with motorized axle”, Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 52(1). doi: 10.4081/jae.2021.1109.