Operation technological process research in the cleaning system of the grain combine

Published:28 June 2021
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The purpose of this study is to increase the efficiency of the technological process of a combine harvester cleaning system. It involved the simulation of the actual work process, the identification of problem areas and the uniform airflow distribution across the width of the sieve mill. The method for determining the class of ‘air-grain heap’ flow in the combine harvester cleaning system is presented in order to provide the mathematical description of its technical work process. As a result, the volumetric (Q = 8·10–6 ÷ 2.5·10–4) and mass (W = 0.01 ÷ 0.3) concentration of a grain heap in different sections of the sieve mill of the combine harvester cleaning system. The experimental measurements of the airflow speed on the sieve mill’s surface for the existing structures of the cleaning system in modern grain harvesters were 3.75 ÷ 10.2 m/s. The data obtained will be used in the future to implement a mathematical model for a complete description of the technological process of a combine harvester cleaning system using methods based on two-phase flow mechanics.



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How to Cite

Badretdinov, I. (2021) “Operation technological process research in the cleaning system of the grain combine”, Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 52(2). doi: 10.4081/jae.2021.1129.

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