Effective technical ways to improve the vibro-centrifugal separator electric drive for grain cleaning

Published: 28 June 2021
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Grain production economic efficiency mostly depends on the use of energy-efficient, resource-saving technological equipment that can ensure a high-quality technological process. In this regard, this paper considers ways to improve the vibrating drives of vibration-centrifugal grain separators which have a complex design and involve high operating expenses (the life of vibrator bushing does not exceed 180±20 hours). A linear induction motor was used in this study as a vibrating drive, which directly forwarded working body movement without using any movement converters. This type of motor together with elastic elements helps to implement energy-efficient electric vibrating motion with adjustable vibration parameters. The mathematical model of the vibro-centrifugal grain separator with a linear motor was developed. The model was implemented in the environment of MatLab (Simulink) object-visual modelling, which showed the correlations of the working body vibration parameters with the drive kinematic parameters. The suitability of the model was proved experimentally. The difference between the experimental data and the data obtained by mathematical modelling does not exceed 6%. The comparative assessment results showed that the maintenance intervals increased by 37.8% in the project version compared to the basic version. The proposed technical solution made it possible to obtain the vibrational motion of the centrifuge working body using the linear induction electric motor without the need for a control unit to connect and disconnect it periodically from the mains. This can reduce the starting currents in the inductor windings and increase the reliability of the installation. Thanks to the use of the linear induction electric motor in the vibrating drive of the vibro-centrifugal separators vibrating drive, it is also possible to save metal.



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How to Cite

Linenko, A. (2021) “Effective technical ways to improve the vibro-centrifugal separator electric drive for grain cleaning”, Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 52(2). doi: 10.4081/jae.2021.1136.

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