Assessing sprinkler systems performance with a novel experimental benchmark

Published: 30 September 2021
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Sprinkler systems are one of the most popular methods of irrigation worldwide. One of their key parameters is the so-called level of uniformity, i.e. every portion of the soil should be irrigated with the same amount of water. Assessing the level of uniformity is crucial for optimal design of sprinkler systems. In this manuscript, a novel experimental benchmark is presented in order to test irrigation sprinklers, assess their performance, and define their acceptable working conditions. Different sprinklers have been tested, their water application depth curves have been determined, and their performance has been evaluated using a combination of metrics. Results show that the majority of sprinklers are characterized by very good performance in terms of operating pressures in the range 2.0-3.0 bar and tend to decrease their efficiency for operating pressures outside of that range.



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How to Cite

Petroselli, A. (2021) “Assessing sprinkler systems performance with a novel experimental benchmark”, Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 52(3). doi: 10.4081/jae.2021.1172.

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