Effects of the twin-row planter with subsoiling on soybean growth and yield in northern China

Published: 9 September 2022
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Twin-row ridge cultivation is widely used in soybean planting in northern China. In order to find the optimal parameters of soybean agronomy, the twin-row planter with subsoiling was designed. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of plant arrangements and cluster densities on soybean growth and grain yield under different tillage treatments. The experiment used a randomised complete block design consisting of 20 treatments in a 2×2×5 factorial arrangement. Two tillage treatments were inter-row subsoiling and no subsoiling. Each tillage treatment included the combination of plant arrangements (side-by-side arrangement and triangular arrangement) and cluster densities (one, two, three, four, and five plants). The variables measured included soil moisture content, seedling emergence, biomass accumulation and allocation, and grain yield. We have concluded that the performance of inter-row subsoiling treatment was much better than that of no subsoiling treatment. Meanwhile, the triangular arrangement and two plants per cluster were the best choices for soybean biomass accumulation and grain yield in northern China. This study provided a reference for the innovative design of the twin-row planter with subsoiling and the optimisation of soybean agronomy.



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How to Cite

Wang, W. (2022) “Effects of the twin-row planter with subsoiling on soybean growth and yield in northern China”, Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 53(3). doi: 10.4081/jae.2022.1359.

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