Investigating the impact of integrating land consolidation with agricultural mechanization on the technical, energy, and environmental dimensions of paddy production

Published:11 February 2025
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This research investigates how the integration of land consolidation and agricultural mechanization can enhance the technical efficiency, energy consumption, and environmental sustainability of paddy cultivation compared to conventional farming practices. Our primary objective is to assess whether consolidated and mechanized farming systems result in higher productivity and lower energy use, while also reducing environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, and soil erosion. Conventional farming methods, characterized by fragmented land holdings, often lead to inefficiencies and environmental harm. By merging smaller plots into larger, contiguous fields, we aim to boost farming efficiency and facilitate the adoption of agricultural machinery. This study will analyze three distinct cultivation scenarios: i) conventional fragmented fields relying on manual labor, ii) integrated fields utilizing manual labor, and iii) integrated fields employing mechanization. We will evaluate key technical indicators, including crop yield, labor productivity, and crop quality, alongside energy consumption metrics like fuel and electricity usage. Furthermore, will assess the environmental implications of each scenario, focusing on greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and soil erosion. The findings from this research will enhance our understanding of the combined effects of land consolidation and mechanization in paddy farming. Additionally, the insights gained will provide valuable guidance for policymakers and farmers, promoting sustainable practices in paddy cultivation that support food security while minimizing negative environmental impacts. This investigation aims to distinguish itself by examining the synergistic potential of land consolidation and mechanization, rather than considering them in isolation as has been done in previous studies.



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How to Cite

Maklavani, F. H. (2025) “Investigating the impact of integrating land consolidation with agricultural mechanization on the technical, energy, and environmental dimensions of paddy production”, Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 56(1). doi: 10.4081/jae.2025.1721.

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