Search Results
Found 186 items.
Optimization design and experiment of double-helix total mixed rations preparation mixer for silage straw feed
Sustainability of grape-ethanol energy chain
2164PDF: 931HTML: 629 -
Measurement of longwave radiative properties of energy-saving greenhouse screens
1198PDF: 531HTML: 13 -
Modelling and verification of sesame seed particles using the discrete element method
7924PDF: 533HTML: 92 -
Pre-treatment of biomasses using magnetised sulfonic acid catalysts
2125PDF: 616HTML: 406 -
Comparing actual transpiration fluxes as measured at leaf-scale and calculated by a physically based agro-hydrological model
991PDF: 334Appendix: 60HTML: 7 -
Estimation of semolina dough rheological parameters by inversion of a finite elements model
2122PDF: 810HTML: 855 -
Parametric evaluation of segmentation techniques for paddy diseases analysis
675PDF: 278HTML: 5 -
The role of agroforestry areas of the province of Bari in the absortion of carbon dioxide
1948PDF: 661HTML: 374 -
Hyperspectral imaging to measure apricot attributes during storage
1085PDF: 447HTML: 47 -
Cassava stalk detection for a cassava harvesting robot based on YOLO v4 and Mask R-CNN
986PDF: 473HTML: 97 -
The assessment of the sawmill noise
902PDF: 654 -
Structural design and experimental tests on a model of tensegrity greenhouse prototype
1081PDF: 582HTML: 208 -
Design and experiment of brush-roller ginkgo leaf picker for the dwarf dense planting mode
1148PDF: 358HTML: 21 -
Analysis of the energy consumption of a rotary harrow
1006PDF: 592HTML: 57 -
Development of a flaming machine for the disinfection of poultry grow-out facilities
3336PDF: 964HTML: 1623 -
Use of 3D scanning technique to determine tire deformation in static conditions
988PDF: 480HTML: 55 -
Fast measurement by infrared spectroscopy as support to woody biofuels quality determination
2349PDF: 1118HTML: 1277 -
Noxious gases in rabbit housing systems: effects of cross and longitudinal ventilation
1786PDF: 851HTML: 900 -
Experimental results on air permeability of agricultural nets
2785PDF: 1333HTML: 1122 -
Fluorescence hyper-spectral imaging to detecting faecal contamination on fresh tomatoes
1812PDF: 854HTML: 826 -
Sicilian potential biogas production
1247PDF: 736 -
Systematic layout planning of wineries: the case of Rioja region (Spain)
2474PDF: 1540HTML: 1833 -
Suburban waterfront with ecological and recreational function: planning based on network analysis
3709PDF: 941HTML: 1214 -
Lightweight sandy vegetation object detection algorithm based on attention mechanism
1193PDF: 293HTML: 24 -
Design and experiments of an automatic pipe winding machine
1448PDF: 509HTML: 139 -
Design and experiment of a self-propelled two-row garlic combine harvester
193PDF: 159HTML: 5 -
Model for the economic, energy and environmental evaluation in biomass productions
2632PDF: 648HTML: 353 -
Fuzzy neural network PID control design of camellia fruit vibration picking manipulator
868PDF: 290Appendix: 51HTML: 5 -
Comparison of grape harvesting and sorting methods on factors affecting the must quality
4676PDF: 1206HTML: 3283 -
Drag reduction design and experiments for the chisel-shaped shovel tip
332PDF: 218HTML: 4 -
Analysis of the internal shading in a photovoltaic greenhouse tunnel
1964PDF: 839HTML: 376 -
Thermo-mechanical response of rigid plastic laminates for greenhouse covering
68761PDF: 1021HTML: 522 -
Limits and prospects of photovoltaic covers in Mediterranean greenhouses
3171PDF: 836HTML: 846 -
Effects of controlled burn rice husk ash on geotechnical properties of the soil
1133PDF: 580HTML: 57 -
Municipal community gardens in the metropolitan area of Milano. Assessment and planning criteria
2416PDF: 993HTML: 522 -
Vernacular farm buildings in landscape planning: a typological analysis in a southern Italian region
3062PDF: 1008HTML: 1703 -
Design of farm winery façades for the optimisation of indoor natural lighting: a case study
2903PDF: 946HTML: 978 -
A review of the discrete element method/modelling in agricultural engineering
1320PDF: 688HTML: 18 -
Machines for non-chemical intra-row weed control in narrow and wide-row crops: a review
5826PDF: 2692Appendix: 281HTML: 4331 -
Strategic environmental assessment implementation of transport and mobility plans. The case of Italian regions and provinces
2360PDF: 1090Appendix: 335HTML: 1084