Search Results
Found 342 items.
ArduHydro: a low-cost device for water level measurement and monitoring
975PDF: 760HTML: 28 -
Assessment of drought stress in arid olive groves using HidroMORE model
1439PDF: 666HTML: 51 -
Analysis of the energy consumption of a rotary harrow
1014PDF: 595HTML: 57 -
Bank erosion and large wood recruitment along a gravel bed river
1956PDF: 909HTML: 644 -
Terraced landscapes: risk and liability
283PDF: 165HTML: 3 -
Image analysis of real-time classification of cherry fruit from colour features
1275PDF: 600HTML: 26 -
Double-branch deep convolutional neural network-based rice leaf diseases recognition and classification
923PDF: 258APPENDIX: 29HTML: 7 -
Fast measurement by infrared spectroscopy as support to woody biofuels quality determination
2358PDF: 1125HTML: 1277 -
Fuzzy neural network PID control design of camellia fruit vibration picking manipulator
888PDF: 300Appendix: 51HTML: 5 -
Tomato leaf diseases recognition based on deep convolutional neural networks
2589PDF: 988HTML: 124 -
Static laser weeding system based on improved YOLOv8 and image fusion
344PDF: 263HTML: 11 -
Influence of canopy development in the vineyard on spray deposition from a tunnel sprayer
1442PDF: 783HTML: 59 -
Key technology of crop precision sowing based on the vision principle
1667PDF: 345HTML: 45 -
An efficient headland-turning navigation system for a safflower picking robot
829PDF: 444HTML: 34 -
A review of the discrete element method/modelling in agricultural engineering
1346PDF: 698HTML: 18 -
Towards a smart automated surface irrigation management in rice-growing areas in Italy
2981PDF: 1339HTML: 1291 -
Grain kernel damage during threshing: a comprehensive review of theories and models
374PDF: 293HTML: 23 -
Residual attention based multi-label learning for apple leaf disease identification
248PDF: 162HTML: 2 -
Measurement of longwave radiative properties of energy-saving greenhouse screens
1254PDF: 540HTML: 13 -
A new tool for life cycle inventories of agricultural machinery operations
3314PDF: 1233HTML: 2429 -
Vibration produced by hand-held olive electrical harvesters
3027PDF: 724HTML: 1402 -
Modelling and verification of sesame seed particles using the discrete element method
8768PDF: 540HTML: 96 -
A method for handlebars ballast calculation in order to reduce vibrations transmissibility in walk behind tractors
2381PDF: 921Appendix: 266HTML: 587 -
A survey of Italian compost dairy barns
4577PDF: 1462HTML: 1187 -
Evaluation of energy savings in white winemaking: impact of temperature management combined with specific yeasts choice on required heat dissipation during industrial-scale fermentation
1321PDF: 475Supplementary Materials: 59HTML: 25 -
Model for the economic, energy and environmental evaluation in biomass productions
2650PDF: 654HTML: 353 -
Design of attitude-adjustable chassis and dynamic stress analysis of key components for crawler combine harvester
270PDF: 184Supplementary: 5HTML: 1 -
A wireless telecommunications network for real-time monitoring of greenhouse microclimate
2642PDF: 906HTML: 2069 -
Simple and efficient approach for shelf-life test on frozen spinach and parsley
1114PDF: 558HTML: 1156 -
Drag reduction design and experiments for the chisel-shaped shovel tip
337PDF: 232HTML: 6 -
Optimal tread design for agricultural lug tires determined through failure analysis
1543PDF: 687HTML: 533 -
Best practices in post-flood surveys: The study case of Pioverna torrent
2571PDF: 459HTML: 37 -
Research on inspection route of hanging environmental robot based on computational fluid dynamics
Effects of different architectural solutions on the thermal behaviour in an unconditioned rural building. The case of an Italian winery
1406PDF: 724Appendix: 213HTML: 120 -
Evaluating flow regime alterations due to point sources in intermittent rivers: A modelling approach
967PDF: 469S1: 211S2: 247S3: 168HTML: 48 -
Energy analysis to assess the environmental sustainability of the dairy chain
2612PDF: 733HTML: 384 -
Aeroponic systems design: considerations and challenges
5157PDF: 2050Appendix: 133HTML: 3463 -
Hot foam and hot water for weed control: A comparison
2583PDF: 821HTML: 90 -
Performance evaluation of cassava starch-zinc nanocomposite film for tomatoes packaging
1829PDF: 910HTML: 417 -
Using a terrestrial laser scanner to detect wood characteristics in gravel-bed rivers
2236PDF: 788HTML: 521 -
Grape detection in natural environment based on improved YOLOv8 network
296PDF: 183HTML: 4 -
Structural strength analysis of a rotary drum mower during harvesting
1070PDF: 316HTML: 4 -
Algorithms for the interpretation of continuous measurement of the slurry level in storage tanks
3644PDF: 640HTML: 743 -
Definition of thermal comfort of crops within naturally ventilated greenhouses
1165PDF: 297HTML: 6 -
An air-assisted mechanical hill-seeding device for foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
380PDF: 287HTML: 32 -
Multi-component Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the hydrodynamics in drip emitters
1769PDF: 557HTML: 249 -
YOLO deep learning algorithm for object detection in agriculture: a review
803PDF: 408HTML: 106