Search Results
Found 342 items.
Towards the environmental sustainability assessment for the viticulture
1895PDF: 1142HTML: 116 -
Hyperspectral imaging to measure apricot attributes during storage
1103PDF: 453HTML: 47 -
Repair and maintenance costs of hill-farm tractors and transporters for upland mechanisation
3615PDF: 1030HTML: 1083 -
The spading machine as an alternative to the plough for the primary tillage
4996PDF: 1107HTML: 3294 -
Definition of thermal comfort of crops within naturally ventilated greenhouses
1165PDF: 297HTML: 6 -
An air-assisted mechanical hill-seeding device for foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
380PDF: 287HTML: 32 -
Multi-component Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the hydrodynamics in drip emitters
1769PDF: 557HTML: 249 -
YOLO deep learning algorithm for object detection in agriculture: a review
803PDF: 408HTML: 106 -
In memory of a Maestro
2264PDF: 515HTML: 192 -
Testing mechanical characteristics of chestnut stakes used in bed sills for stream restoration
1396PDF: 751HTML: 104 -
Geothermal source heat pump performance for a greenhouse heating system: an experimental study
4801PDF: 1540HTML: 2476 -
Guidelines for the design of a healing garden for the rehabilitation of psychiatric patients
5615PDF: 2359HTML: 4813 -
Design of farm winery façades for the optimisation of indoor natural lighting: a case study
2942PDF: 952HTML: 978 -
A low-energy storage container for food and agriculture products
1131PDF: 520HTML: 22 -
Analysis of the internal shading in a photovoltaic greenhouse tunnel
1982PDF: 849HTML: 376 -
Development and evaluation of biomass-based alternative charcoal
1876PDF: 798HTML: 410 -
Systematic layout planning of wineries: the case of Rioja region (Spain)
2495PDF: 1557HTML: 1833 -
UAV-SfM 4D mapping of landslides activated in a steep terraced agricultural area
2658PDF: 890HTML: 73 -
Classifications of runoff and sediment data to improve the rating curve method
1570PDF: 732HTML: 265 -
Sustainability of grape-ethanol energy chain
2186PDF: 935HTML: 631 -
Zanthoxylum infructescence detection based on adaptive density clustering
Photovoltaic greenhouses: evaluation of shading effect and its influence on agricultural performances
4376PDF: 1617HTML: 1011 -
Evaluation of solar energy on the roofs of livestock houses
2825PDF: 800HTML: 886 -
Design of a five-bar duckbill-type mechanism for sorghum transplanting
1346PDF: 529HTML: 196 -
Development and evaluation of sago (Metroxylon sagu) pith extractor
1717PDF: 718HTML: 736 -
Multi-class segmentation of navel orange surface defects based on improved DeepLabv3+
646PDF: 235HTML: 14 -
Monitoring mini-tomatoes growth: A non-destructive machine vision-based alternative
1249PDF: 642HTML: 47 -
Innovative process and technology for the production of wood mulch
2437PDF: 674HTML: 66 -
Development of treated cardboard waste injection machine into the sandy soils
1247PDF: 311Appendix: 91 -
Establishing soil loss tolerance: an overview
3151PDF: 1818HTML: 2822 -
Apple recognition and picking sequence planning for harvesting robot in a complex environment
Thin-layer catalytic far-infrared radiation drying and flavour of tomato slices
2333PDF: 857HTML: 1138 -
On the influence of the alternation of two different cooling systems on dairy cow daily activities
2086PDF: 1087HTML: 558 -
Sanitary risk analysis for farm workers exposed to environmental pollutants
2671PDF: 665HTML: 411 -
Field performance of an agricultural tractor fitted with rubber tracks on a low trafficable soil
3108PDF: 1804HTML: 1818