Search Results
Found 227 items.
Grain kernel damage during threshing: a comprehensive review of theories and models
336PDF: 212HTML: 12 -
Application of MOS gas sensors for detecting mechanical damage of tea plants
218PDF: 139HTML: 21 -
Machines for non-chemical intra-row weed control in narrow and wide-row crops: a review
5822PDF: 2689Appendix: 281HTML: 4330 -
Comparison of grape harvesting and sorting methods on factors affecting the must quality
4675PDF: 1206HTML: 3283 -
An air-assisted mechanical hill-seeding device for foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
365PDF: 267HTML: 30 -
A new tool for life cycle inventories of agricultural machinery operations
3307PDF: 1227HTML: 2427 -
Testing mechanical characteristics of chestnut stakes used in bed sills for stream restoration
1383PDF: 746HTML: 104 -
Experimental analysis on concrete blocks reinforced with Arundo donax fibres
1673PDF: 712HTML: 34 -
Physical and gas permeation properties of five-layer polyethylene film used as greenhouse roof
1146PDF: 595HTML: 103 -
Nutrient losses from cattle co-digestate slurry during storage
2179PDF: 893HTML: 538 -
Performance evaluation of cassava starch-zinc nanocomposite film for tomatoes packaging
1819PDF: 905HTML: 416 -
Kinematic model for mechanical apple blossom thinning
547PDF: 241HTML: 2 -
Evaluation of the efficiency of systems to reduce vibration on modern tracklaying tractors
2913PDF: 780HTML: 447 -
Mechanical distribution of beneficial arthropods in greenhouse and open field: A review
1516PDF: 864HTML: 49 -
The use of co-digested solid fraction as feedstock for biogas plants
2573PDF: 711HTML: 683 -
Life cycle assessment: an application to poplar for energy cultivated in Italy
9026PDF: 1014HTML: 789 -
Simple and efficient approach for shelf-life test on frozen spinach and parsley
1109PDF: 554HTML: 1139 -
The design of a force feedback soft gripper for tomato harvesting
4487PDF: 1766HTML: 705 -
Design and experiment of brush-roller ginkgo leaf picker for the dwarf dense planting mode
1147PDF: 358HTML: 21 -
Research on inspection route of hanging environmental robot based on computational fluid dynamics
A new eco-friendly packaging material made of straw and bioplastic
5267PDF: 1895HTML: 2129 -
Drag reduction design and experiments for the chisel-shaped shovel tip
330PDF: 218HTML: 4 -
Fuzzy neural network PID control design of camellia fruit vibration picking manipulator
868PDF: 290Appendix: 51HTML: 5 -
Static laser weeding system based on improved YOLOv8 and image fusion
326PDF: 243HTML: 5 -
Performance evaluation of a developed rice-processing machine
3814PDF: 1579HTML: 3583 -
An efficient headland-turning navigation system for a safflower picking robot
819PDF: 421HTML: 34 -
Development and test of a spring-finger roller-type hot pepper picking header
559PDF: 323HTML: 3 -
Thermo-mechanical response of rigid plastic laminates for greenhouse covering
68694PDF: 1021HTML: 522 -
A review of the discrete element method/modelling in agricultural engineering
1319PDF: 686HTML: 18 -
Design and experiments of an automatic pipe winding machine
1447PDF: 509HTML: 136 -
Field studies on the soil loss reduction effectiveness of three biodegradable geotextiles
1670PDF: 784HTML: 93 -
Daily exposure to hand arm vibration by different electric olive beaters
2162PDF: 712HTML: 1429 -
Analysis of the energy consumption of a rotary harrow
1004PDF: 591HTML: 57 -
Vibration produced by hand-held olive electrical harvesters
2997PDF: 718HTML: 1402 -
Optimal tread design for agricultural lug tires determined through failure analysis
1536PDF: 682HTML: 533 -
Optimization design and experiment of double-helix total mixed rations preparation mixer for silage straw feed
Effect of different technologies and animal manures on solid-liquid separation efficiencies
3949PDF: 982HTML: 983 -
Operation technological process research in the cleaning system of the grain combine
780PDF: 476HTML: 23 -
Real-time straw moisture content detection system for mobile straw granulator
2125PDF: 260HTML: 16 -
Modelling and verification of sesame seed particles using the discrete element method
7804PDF: 533HTML: 92 -
Evaluation of ammonia emissions from filtration of digestate used for fertigation
1335PDF: 575HTML: 35