Search Results
Found 127 items.
A software package for predicting design-flood hydrographs in small and ungauged basins
3026PDF: 918HTML: 1933 -
Strategic environmental assessment implementation of transport and mobility plans. The case of Italian regions and provinces
2360PDF: 1090Appendix: 335HTML: 1084 -
Cropping pattern simulation-optimization model for water use efficiency and economic return
1373PDF: 568HTML: 77 -
Guidelines for the design of a healing garden for the rehabilitation of psychiatric patients
5608PDF: 2341HTML: 4810 -
Fluorescence hyper-spectral imaging to detecting faecal contamination on fresh tomatoes
1812PDF: 854HTML: 826 -
Comparison of grape harvesting and sorting methods on factors affecting the must quality
4675PDF: 1206HTML: 3283 -
Characterisation of olive fruit for the milling process by using visible/near infrared spectroscopy
3548PDF: 1102HTML: 989 -
Evaluating flow regime alterations due to point sources in intermittent rivers: A modelling approach
949PDF: 467S1: 211S2: 245S3: 168HTML: 47 -
Using a terrestrial laser scanner to detect wood characteristics in gravel-bed rivers
2214PDF: 783HTML: 521