Search Results
Found 405 items.
Performance evaluation of cassava starch-zinc nanocomposite film for tomatoes packaging
1829PDF: 909HTML: 416 -
Study of the steering of a wide span vehicle controlled by a local positioning system
1037PDF: 400HTML: 17 -
Performance evaluation of a developed rice-processing machine
3816PDF: 1588HTML: 3585 -
A review of the discrete element method/modelling in agricultural engineering
1346PDF: 697HTML: 18 -
Thermo-mechanical response of rigid plastic laminates for greenhouse covering
69569PDF: 1026HTML: 522 -
Optimal tread design for agricultural lug tires determined through failure analysis
1543PDF: 686HTML: 533 -
Towards the environmental sustainability assessment for the viticulture
1894PDF: 1141HTML: 116 -
A new tool for life cycle inventories of agricultural machinery operations
3314PDF: 1232HTML: 2429 -
Evaluation of the efficiency of systems to reduce vibration on modern tracklaying tractors
2931PDF: 791HTML: 447 -
Sanitary risk analysis for farm workers exposed to environmental pollutants
2671PDF: 665HTML: 411 -
Structural strength analysis of a rotary drum mower during harvesting
1070PDF: 315HTML: 4 -
Calibration and comparison of different CFD approaches for airflow analysis in a glass greenhouse
2526PDF: 1289HTML: 682 -
Agrivoltaic systems towards the European green deal and agricultural policies: a review
386PDF: 336HTML: 11 -
Thin-layer catalytic far-infrared radiation drying and flavour of tomato slices
2331PDF: 857HTML: 1138 -
Classifications of runoff and sediment data to improve the rating curve method
1569PDF: 732HTML: 264 -
Grain kernel damage during threshing: a comprehensive review of theories and models
373PDF: 290HTML: 22 -
Dynamic neural network modeling of thermal environments of two adjacent single-span greenhouses with different thermal curtain positions
Vernacular farm buildings in landscape planning: a typological analysis in a southern Italian region
3092PDF: 1013HTML: 1709 -
Comparison between ISO 5008 and field whole body vibration tractor values
9963PDF: 1120HTML: 1787 -
Comparative analysis of soil-sampling methods used in precision agriculture
4208PDF: 1375HTML: 265 -
Noxious gases in rabbit housing systems: effects of cross and longitudinal ventilation
1813PDF: 855HTML: 901 -
An efficient headland-turning navigation system for a safflower picking robot
828PDF: 443HTML: 34 -
Design of attitude-adjustable chassis and dynamic stress analysis of key components for crawler combine harvester
270PDF: 177Supplementary: 5HTML: 1 -
Effects of different architectural solutions on the thermal behaviour in an unconditioned rural building. The case of an Italian winery
1406PDF: 724Appendix: 213HTML: 120 -
Model for the economic, energy and environmental evaluation in biomass productions
2650PDF: 654HTML: 353 -
Effects of six primary tillage implements on energy inputs and residue cover in Central Italy
3087PDF: 1225HTML: 1521 -
Predicting plot soil loss by empirical and process-oriented approaches. A review
1627PDF: 1114HTML: 463 -
Geothermal source heat pump performance for a greenhouse heating system: an experimental study
4800PDF: 1539HTML: 2476 -
Life cycle assessment: an application to poplar for energy cultivated in Italy
9060PDF: 1026HTML: 789 -
Pre-treatment of biomasses using magnetised sulfonic acid catalysts
2133PDF: 619HTML: 406 -
Effect of envelope characteristics on the accuracy of discretised greenhouse model in TRNSYS
1340Appendix: 207PDF: 406HTML: 70 -
Design and experiment of a self-propelled two-row garlic combine harvester
210PDF: 188HTML: 7 -
Fast measurement by infrared spectroscopy as support to woody biofuels quality determination
2358PDF: 1124HTML: 1277 -
Suburban waterfront with ecological and recreational function: planning based on network analysis
3719PDF: 950HTML: 1214 -
In memory of a Maestro
2262PDF: 515HTML: 192 -
Towards a smart automated surface irrigation management in rice-growing areas in Italy
2980PDF: 1339HTML: 1290 -
Ground improvement using waste shell for farm roads and embankments
1277PDF: 634HTML: 88 -
Repair and maintenance costs of hill-farm tractors and transporters for upland mechanisation
3614PDF: 1030HTML: 1083 -
Terraced landscapes: risk and liability
280PDF: 164HTML: 3 -
Use of 3D scanning technique to determine tire deformation in static conditions
1000PDF: 484HTML: 56 -
Municipal community gardens in the metropolitan area of Milano. Assessment and planning criteria
2450PDF: 998HTML: 522 -
Assessment of nitrogen content in buffalo manure and land application costs
3394PDF: 825HTML: 1879 -
Variation in ultrasonic frequency and time as pre-treatments to air-drying of carrot
2775PDF: 1034HTML: 560 -
Real-time straw moisture content detection system for mobile straw granulator
2133PDF: 270HTML: 16 -
Daily exposure to hand arm vibration by different electric olive beaters
2178PDF: 713HTML: 1429 -
Monitoring feeding behaviour of dairy cows using accelerometers
4565PDF: 1649HTML: 1844 -
Machines for non-chemical intra-row weed control in narrow and wide-row crops: a review
5862PDF: 2708Appendix: 282HTML: 4332 -
In memory of Professor Adriano Guarnieri
1573PDF: 430HTML: 186