Search Results
Found 192 items.
Machines for non-chemical intra-row weed control in narrow and wide-row crops: a review
5863PDF: 2712Appendix: 283HTML: 4332 -
Agrivoltaic systems towards the European green deal and agricultural policies: a review
386PDF: 344HTML: 12 -
Fuzzy neural network PID control design of camellia fruit vibration picking manipulator
888PDF: 300Appendix: 51HTML: 5 -
Hot foam and hot water for weed control: A comparison
2583PDF: 821HTML: 90 -
Static laser weeding system based on improved YOLOv8 and image fusion
344PDF: 263HTML: 11 -
Performance analysis of photovoltaic plants installed in dairy cattle farms
3248PDF: 1187Appendix: 302HTML: 2052 -
An efficient headland-turning navigation system for a safflower picking robot
829PDF: 444HTML: 34 -
Life cycle assessment: an application to poplar for energy cultivated in Italy
9062PDF: 1026HTML: 789 -
On the influence of the alternation of two different cooling systems on dairy cow daily activities
2086PDF: 1087HTML: 558 -
Towards a smart automated surface irrigation management in rice-growing areas in Italy
2981PDF: 1339HTML: 1291 -
Greenhouse localized heating powered by a polygeneration system
941PDF: 489HTML: 206 -
Environmental impact assessment of three packages for high-quality extra-virgin olive oil
2816PDF: 1223Appendix: 333HTML: 1643 -
Study of the steering of a wide span vehicle controlled by a local positioning system
1037PDF: 401HTML: 17 -
Geothermal source heat pump performance for a greenhouse heating system: an experimental study
4801PDF: 1540HTML: 2476 -
Aeroponic systems design: considerations and challenges
5157PDF: 2050Appendix: 133HTML: 3463 -
Algorithms for the interpretation of continuous measurement of the slurry level in storage tanks
3644PDF: 640HTML: 743 -
A wireless telecommunications network for real-time monitoring of greenhouse microclimate
2642PDF: 906HTML: 2069 -
Noxious gases in rabbit housing systems: effects of cross and longitudinal ventilation
1813PDF: 855HTML: 901 -
Technological innovation in the winery addressing oenology 4.0: testing of an automated system for the alcoholic fermentation management
786PDF: 480Appendix: 132HTML: 120 -
Towards the environmental sustainability assessment for the viticulture
1895PDF: 1142HTML: 116 -
Model for the economic, energy and environmental evaluation in biomass productions
2650PDF: 654HTML: 353 -
Structural design and experimental tests on a model of tensegrity greenhouse prototype
1109PDF: 591HTML: 211 -
Assessing, measuring and modelling erosion in calanchi areas: a review
1828PDF: 1216HTML: 1316 -
The design of a force feedback soft gripper for tomato harvesting
4496PDF: 1795HTML: 707 -
The influence on biogas production of three slurry-handling systems in dairy farms
3156PDF: 1051HTML: 633 -
Dynamic neural network modeling of thermal environments of two adjacent single-span greenhouses with different thermal curtain positions
Assessing the physical vulnerability of check dams through an empirical damage index
3878PDF: 1031HTML: 2583 -
Tomato leaf diseases recognition based on deep convolutional neural networks
2589PDF: 988HTML: 124 -
Monitoring feeding behaviour of dairy cows using accelerometers
4567PDF: 1649HTML: 1844 -
Design of farm winery façades for the optimisation of indoor natural lighting: a case study
2942PDF: 952HTML: 978 -
Effects of different architectural solutions on the thermal behaviour in an unconditioned rural building. The case of an Italian winery
1406PDF: 724Appendix: 213HTML: 120 -
A continuous high voltage electrostatic field system for thawing food materials
1039PDF: 573HTML: 107 -
Grain kernel damage during threshing: a comprehensive review of theories and models
374PDF: 293HTML: 23 -
Limits and prospects of photovoltaic covers in Mediterranean greenhouses
3186PDF: 840HTML: 846 -
Ground improvement using waste shell for farm roads and embankments
1278PDF: 634HTML: 88 -
Photovoltaic greenhouses: evaluation of shading effect and its influence on agricultural performances
4376PDF: 1617HTML: 1011 -
Multi-temporal geomorphometric analysis to assess soil erosion under different tillage practices: A methodological case study
1130PDF: 494Appendix: 121HTML: 47 -
Assessment of drought stress in arid olive groves using HidroMORE model
1439PDF: 666HTML: 51 -
Comparison of measurement methods of the front velocity of small-scale debris flows
1773PDF: 767HTML: 1072 -
Characterisation of olive fruit for the milling process by using visible/near infrared spectroscopy
3582PDF: 1117HTML: 989 -
Thermo-mechanical response of rigid plastic laminates for greenhouse covering
69756PDF: 1026HTML: 522 -
Establishing soil loss tolerance: an overview
3151PDF: 1818HTML: 2822 -
Evaluation of energy savings in white winemaking: impact of temperature management combined with specific yeasts choice on required heat dissipation during industrial-scale fermentation
1321PDF: 475Supplementary Materials: 59HTML: 25 -
ArduHydro: a low-cost device for water level measurement and monitoring
975PDF: 760HTML: 28 -
A low-energy storage container for food and agriculture products
1131PDF: 520HTML: 22 -
Design of attitude-adjustable chassis and dynamic stress analysis of key components for crawler combine harvester
270PDF: 184Supplementary: 5HTML: 1 -
Modelling and verification of sesame seed particles using the discrete element method
8768PDF: 540HTML: 96 -
Systematic layout planning of wineries: the case of Rioja region (Spain)
2495PDF: 1557HTML: 1833 -
Research on inspection route of hanging environmental robot based on computational fluid dynamics
Comparing actual transpiration fluxes as measured at leaf-scale and calculated by a physically based agro-hydrological model
1004PDF: 344Appendix: 60HTML: 7