Search Results
Found 32 items.
Geothermal source heat pump performance for a greenhouse heating system: an experimental study
4801PDF: 1540HTML: 2476 -
The role of agroforestry areas of the province of Bari in the absortion of carbon dioxide
1980PDF: 667HTML: 374 -
A new tool for life cycle inventories of agricultural machinery operations
3314PDF: 1233HTML: 2429 -
Sustainability of grape-ethanol energy chain
2186PDF: 935HTML: 631 -
Research on inspection route of hanging environmental robot based on computational fluid dynamics
Energy analysis to assess the environmental sustainability of the dairy chain
2612PDF: 733HTML: 384 -
Model for the economic, energy and environmental evaluation in biomass productions
2650PDF: 654HTML: 353 -
Life cycle assessment: an application to poplar for energy cultivated in Italy
9062PDF: 1026HTML: 789 -
Nutrient losses from cattle co-digestate slurry during storage
2200PDF: 901HTML: 538 -
Building green covering for a sustainable use of energy
1527PDF: 800 -
The use of co-digested solid fraction as feedstock for biogas plants
2599PDF: 714HTML: 683 -
Sustainability of grape-ethanol energy chain
759PDF: 646 -
Machines for non-chemical intra-row weed control in narrow and wide-row crops: a review
5863PDF: 2712Appendix: 283HTML: 4332 -
The influence on biogas production of three slurry-handling systems in dairy farms
3156PDF: 1051HTML: 633 -
Assessment of nitrogen content in buffalo manure and land application costs
3396PDF: 825HTML: 1879 -
Towards the environmental sustainability assessment for the viticulture
1895PDF: 1142HTML: 116 -
Fast measurement by infrared spectroscopy as support to woody biofuels quality determination
2358PDF: 1125HTML: 1277
1 - 32 of 32 items