Search Results
Found 63 items.
Sanitary risk analysis for farm workers exposed to environmental pollutants
2589PDF: 654HTML: 410 -
Evaluation of carrying capacity and territorial environmental sustainability
4753PDF: 1054HTML: 2977 -
Guidelines for the design of a healing garden for the rehabilitation of psychiatric patients
5570PDF: 2324HTML: 4802 -
Mechanical distribution of beneficial arthropods in greenhouse and open field: A review
1482PDF: 857HTML: 48 -
Fluorescence hyper-spectral imaging to detecting faecal contamination on fresh tomatoes
1800PDF: 843HTML: 825 -
Daily exposure to hand arm vibration by different electric olive beaters
2126PDF: 711HTML: 1428 -
Development of a flaming machine for the disinfection of poultry grow-out facilities
3307PDF: 961HTML: 1622 -
Vibration produced by hand-held olive electrical harvesters
2950PDF: 715HTML: 1401 -
The role of agroforestry areas of the province of Bari in the absortion of carbon dioxide
1870PDF: 656HTML: 373 -
Evaluation of ammonia emissions from filtration of digestate used for fertigation
1299PDF: 568HTML: 34 -
Noxious gases in rabbit housing systems: effects of cross and longitudinal ventilation
1739PDF: 845HTML: 898 -
Comparative analysis of soil-sampling methods used in precision agriculture
4120PDF: 1333HTML: 262 -
Parameters influencing deposit estimation when using water sensitive papers
3305PDF: 888HTML: 1046 -
Static laser weeding system based on improved YOLOv8 and image fusion
267PDF: 233HTML: 3 -
Tomato leaf diseases recognition based on deep convolutional neural networks
2504PDF: 940HTML: 122 -
Bank erosion and large wood recruitment along a gravel bed river
1914PDF: 888HTML: 643 -
Machines for non-chemical intra-row weed control in narrow and wide-row crops: a review
5764PDF: 2671Appendix: 280HTML: 4326 -
Evaluation of the efficiency of systems to reduce vibration on modern tracklaying tractors
2884PDF: 776HTML: 446 -
Green infrastructure planning based on ecosystem services multicriteria evaluation: the case of the metropolitan wine landscapes of Bordeaux
795PDF: 380APPENDIX: 66HTML: 18 -
Hot foam and hot water for weed control: A comparison
2516PDF: 793HTML: 83 -
Research on inspection route of hanging environmental robot based on computational fluid dynamics
Evaluating flow regime alterations due to point sources in intermittent rivers: A modelling approach
874PDF: 461S1: 207S2: 232S3: 165HTML: 44 -
Towards the environmental sustainability assessment for the viticulture
1836PDF: 1117HTML: 115 -
Vernacular farm buildings in landscape planning: a typological analysis in a southern Italian region
2980PDF: 1003HTML: 1701 -
Application of MOS gas sensors for detecting mechanical damage of tea plants
178PDF: 135HTML: 20 -
An active-optical reflectance sensor in-field testing for the prediction of winter wheat harvest metrics
Cropping pattern simulation-optimization model for water use efficiency and economic return
1313PDF: 559HTML: 76 -
Noise attenuation provided by hedges
2203PDF: 810HTML: 4893 -
Parametric evaluation of segmentation techniques for paddy diseases analysis
644PDF: 268HTML: 4 -
Aeroponic systems design: considerations and challenges
5047PDF: 1879Appendix: 131HTML: 3291 -
Comparison between ISO 5008 and field whole body vibration tractor values
9916PDF: 1114HTML: 1783 -
Residual attention based multi-label learning for apple leaf disease identification
177PDF: 135HTML: 1
1 - 63 of 63 items