Search Results
Found 57 items.
Agrivoltaic systems towards the European green deal and agricultural policies: a review
386PDF: 336HTML: 11 -
The role of agroforestry areas of the province of Bari in the absortion of carbon dioxide
1979PDF: 667HTML: 374 -
Best practices in post-flood surveys: The study case of Pioverna torrent
2570PDF: 458HTML: 37 -
Bank erosion and large wood recruitment along a gravel bed river
1956PDF: 907HTML: 644 -
Statistical assessment of vegetation dynamics within protected areas using remote sensing data
2761PDF: 806HTML: 834 -
Assessment of drought stress in arid olive groves using HidroMORE model
1434PDF: 666HTML: 51 -
Terraced landscapes: risk and liability
280PDF: 164HTML: 3 -
Evaluating flow regime alterations due to point sources in intermittent rivers: A modelling approach
965PDF: 469S1: 211S2: 247S3: 168HTML: 48 -
Predicting plot soil loss by empirical and process-oriented approaches. A review
1627PDF: 1114HTML: 463 -
Assessing, measuring and modelling erosion in calanchi areas: a review
1827PDF: 1216HTML: 1316 -
Evaluation of the morphological quality index in the Cordevole river (Bl, Italy)
3830PDF: 1173HTML: 1737 -
Hydrologic performance assessment of nature-based solutions: a case study in North-eastern Italy
1986PDF: 489Appendix: 61HTML: 25 -
Green infrastructure planning based on ecosystem services multicriteria evaluation: the case of the metropolitan wine landscapes of Bordeaux
844PDF: 408APPENDIX: 69HTML: 19 -
Comparison of measurement methods of the front velocity of small-scale debris flows
1771PDF: 767HTML: 1072 -
Establishing soil loss tolerance: an overview
3148PDF: 1816HTML: 2822 -
Assessment of nitrogen content in buffalo manure and land application costs
3394PDF: 825HTML: 1879 -
Guidelines for the design of a healing garden for the rehabilitation of psychiatric patients
5614PDF: 2355HTML: 4812 -
Aeroponic systems design: considerations and challenges
5155PDF: 2045Appendix: 133HTML: 3460 -
Thermo-mechanical response of rigid plastic laminates for greenhouse covering
69569PDF: 1026HTML: 522 -
ArduHydro: a low-cost device for water level measurement and monitoring
974PDF: 759HTML: 28 -
A new tool for life cycle inventories of agricultural machinery operations
3314PDF: 1232HTML: 2429 -
Model for the economic, energy and environmental evaluation in biomass productions
2650PDF: 654HTML: 353 -
A software package for predicting design-flood hydrographs in small and ungauged basins
3071PDF: 924HTML: 1933 -
An active-optical reflectance sensor in-field testing for the prediction of winter wheat harvest metrics
Development of a flaming machine for the disinfection of poultry grow-out facilities
3349PDF: 968HTML: 1623
1 - 57 of 57 items