Search Results
Found 49 items.
Application of MOS gas sensors for detecting mechanical damage of tea plants
94PDF: 52HTML: 2 -
Design and experiment of brush-roller ginkgo leaf picker for the dwarf dense planting mode
1037PDF: 326HTML: 19 -
Machines for non-chemical intra-row weed control in narrow and wide-row crops: a review
5660PDF: 2622Appendix: 279HTML: 4321 -
Assessing the physical vulnerability of check dams through an empirical damage index
3708PDF: 1018HTML: 2582 -
Thermo-mechanical response of rigid plastic laminates for greenhouse covering
63082PDF: 1016HTML: 521 -
An air-assisted mechanical hill-seeding device for foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
273PDF: 229HTML: 23 -
Kinematic model for mechanical apple blossom thinning
443PDF: 204HTML: 2 -
Testing mechanical characteristics of chestnut stakes used in bed sills for stream restoration
1158PDF: 736HTML: 102 -
Experimental analysis on concrete blocks reinforced with Arundo donax fibres
1523PDF: 683HTML: 33 -
The design of a force feedback soft gripper for tomato harvesting
4437PDF: 1622HTML: 692 -
Development and test of a spring-finger roller-type hot pepper picking header
447PDF: 274HTML: 2 -
Research on inspection route of hanging environmental robot based on computational fluid dynamics
A review of the discrete element method/modelling in agricultural engineering
1132PDF: 622HTML: 11 -
Daily exposure to hand arm vibration by different electric olive beaters
2054PDF: 707HTML: 1424 -
Theory of the interaction of flat sensing organ with the head of the sugar beet root
1603PDF: 517HTML: 189 -
Development of a transplanter-based transplanter for vegetable seedlings cultured in a cuttable nursery mat
Design of a five-bar duckbill-type mechanism for sorghum transplanting
1247PDF: 480HTML: 161 -
Structural strength analysis of a rotary drum mower during harvesting
595PDF: 252HTML: 3 -
Pallet standards in agri-food sector: a brief survey
2737PDF: 1199HTML: 3913 -
Variation in ultrasonic frequency and time as pre-treatments to air-drying of carrot
2664PDF: 1009HTML: 558 -
Technological innovation in the winery addressing oenology 4.0: testing of an automated system for the alcoholic fermentation management
677PDF: 452Appendix: 125HTML: 107 -
Towards a smart automated surface irrigation management in rice-growing areas in Italy
2827PDF: 1321HTML: 1289 -
Multi-component Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the hydrodynamics in drip emitters
1722PDF: 526HTML: 246 -
Noxious gases in rabbit housing systems: effects of cross and longitudinal ventilation
1674PDF: 837HTML: 895
1 - 49 of 49 items