Search Results
Found 72 items.
Machines for non-chemical intra-row weed control in narrow and wide-row crops: a review
5764PDF: 2673Appendix: 280HTML: 4326 -
Cropping pattern simulation-optimization model for water use efficiency and economic return
1314PDF: 559HTML: 76 -
Static laser weeding system based on improved YOLOv8 and image fusion
268PDF: 233HTML: 3 -
Multi-temporal geomorphometric analysis to assess soil erosion under different tillage practices: A methodological case study
1071PDF: 488Appendix: 118HTML: 43 -
Definition of thermal comfort of crops within naturally ventilated greenhouses
1162PDF: 276HTML: 5 -
An active-optical reflectance sensor in-field testing for the prediction of winter wheat harvest metrics
Evaluating flow regime alterations due to point sources in intermittent rivers: A modelling approach
874PDF: 461S1: 207S2: 232S3: 165HTML: 44 -
Towards a smart automated surface irrigation management in rice-growing areas in Italy
2883PDF: 1332HTML: 1289 -
Kinematic model for mechanical apple blossom thinning
503PDF: 234HTML: 2 -
The spading machine as an alternative to the plough for the primary tillage
4946PDF: 1097HTML: 3288 -
Comparing actual transpiration fluxes as measured at leaf-scale and calculated by a physically based agro-hydrological model
925PDF: 326Appendix: 58HTML: 6 -
Experimental analysis on concrete blocks reinforced with Arundo donax fibres
1636PDF: 708HTML: 33 -
Assessment of drought stress in arid olive groves using HidroMORE model
1346PDF: 654HTML: 48 -
Predicting plot soil loss by empirical and process-oriented approaches. A review
1552PDF: 1105HTML: 461 -
Limits and prospects of photovoltaic covers in Mediterranean greenhouses
3106PDF: 834HTML: 845 -
Zanthoxylum infructescence detection based on adaptive density clustering
Grain kernel damage during threshing: a comprehensive review of theories and models
246PDF: 148HTML: 1 -
Establishing soil loss tolerance: an overview
3087PDF: 1792HTML: 2808 -
An efficient headland-turning navigation system for a safflower picking robot
784PDF: 410HTML: 33 -
Evaluation of ammonia emissions from filtration of digestate used for fertigation
1299PDF: 568HTML: 34 -
Life cycle assessment: an application to poplar for energy cultivated in Italy
8970PDF: 1010HTML: 788 -
Monitoring mini-tomatoes growth: A non-destructive machine vision-based alternative
1187PDF: 622HTML: 46 -
An air-assisted mechanical hill-seeding device for foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
300PDF: 259HTML: 28 -
Fast identification of tomatoes in natural environments by improved YOLOv5s
140PDF: 101HTML: 0 -
Cassava stalk detection for a cassava harvesting robot based on YOLO v4 and Mask R-CNN
930PDF: 463HTML: 92 -
Design and experiments of an automatic pipe winding machine
1377PDF: 500HTML: 134 -
Double-branch deep convolutional neural network-based rice leaf diseases recognition and classification
867PDF: 233APPENDIX: 26HTML: 5 -
Theory of the interaction of flat sensing organ with the head of the sugar beet root
1729PDF: 524HTML: 190 -
Thermo-mechanical response of rigid plastic laminates for greenhouse covering
67835PDF: 1017HTML: 521 -
Effect of different technologies and animal manures on solid-liquid separation efficiencies
3896PDF: 977HTML: 982 -
Effects of six primary tillage implements on energy inputs and residue cover in Central Italy
3049PDF: 1204HTML: 1515 -
Hot foam and hot water for weed control: A comparison
2516PDF: 793HTML: 83 -
A new eco-friendly packaging material made of straw and bioplastic
5252PDF: 1889HTML: 2104 -
Structural design and experimental tests on a model of tensegrity greenhouse prototype
1034PDF: 572HTML: 203 -
Detection method of potato leaf disease based on YOLOv5s
426PDF: 245HTML: 4 -
Greenhouse localized heating powered by a polygeneration system
903PDF: 477HTML: 203 -
Potato powdery scab segmentation using improved GrabCut algorithm
191PDF: 156HTML: 2 -
Design of a five-bar duckbill-type mechanism for sorghum transplanting
1275PDF: 507HTML: 183 -
Leveraging deep semantic segmentation for assisted weed detection
42PDF_early view: 15
1 - 72 of 72 items