Search Results
Found 97 items.
A review of the discrete element method/modelling in agricultural engineering
1346PDF: 697HTML: 18 -
Optimal tread design for agricultural lug tires determined through failure analysis
1543PDF: 687HTML: 533 -
Grain kernel damage during threshing: a comprehensive review of theories and models
373PDF: 290HTML: 22 -
Variation in ultrasonic frequency and time as pre-treatments to air-drying of carrot
2775PDF: 1034HTML: 560 -
Thin-layer catalytic far-infrared radiation drying and flavour of tomato slices
2332PDF: 857HTML: 1138 -
Modelling and verification of sesame seed particles using the discrete element method
8726PDF: 540HTML: 95 -
Green infrastructure planning based on ecosystem services multicriteria evaluation: the case of the metropolitan wine landscapes of Bordeaux
844PDF: 408APPENDIX: 69HTML: 19 -
Predicting plot soil loss by empirical and process-oriented approaches. A review
1627PDF: 1114HTML: 463 -
Real-time straw moisture content detection system for mobile straw granulator
2134PDF: 270HTML: 16 -
An air-assisted mechanical hill-seeding device for foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
380PDF: 284HTML: 31 -
Machines for non-chemical intra-row weed control in narrow and wide-row crops: a review
5863PDF: 2709Appendix: 283HTML: 4332 -
Optimal design of transplanting mechanism with differential internal engagement non-circular gear trains
923PDF: 465Appendix: 100HTML: 65 -
Towards a smart automated surface irrigation management in rice-growing areas in Italy
2980PDF: 1339HTML: 1291 -
Static laser weeding system based on improved YOLOv8 and image fusion
344PDF: 262HTML: 10 -
Statistical assessment of vegetation dynamics within protected areas using remote sensing data
2761PDF: 806HTML: 834 -
Evaluating flow regime alterations due to point sources in intermittent rivers: A modelling approach
967PDF: 469S1: 211S2: 247S3: 168HTML: 48 -
Assessment of nitrogen content in buffalo manure and land application costs
3394PDF: 825HTML: 1879 -
Assessment of drought stress in arid olive groves using HidroMORE model
1434PDF: 666HTML: 51 -
Optimization design and experiment of double-helix total mixed rations preparation mixer for silage straw feed
Design and experiment of a self-propelled two-row garlic combine harvester
210PDF: 189HTML: 8 -
Long-term monitoring of deficit irrigation regimes on citrus orchards in Sicily
1149PDF: 524HTML: 39 -
Comparing actual transpiration fluxes as measured at leaf-scale and calculated by a physically based agro-hydrological model
1004PDF: 343Appendix: 60HTML: 7 -
Design and experiment of brush-roller ginkgo leaf picker for the dwarf dense planting mode
1162PDF: 370HTML: 21 -
Effects of different architectural solutions on the thermal behaviour in an unconditioned rural building. The case of an Italian winery
1406PDF: 724Appendix: 213HTML: 120 -
Aeroponic systems design: considerations and challenges
5157PDF: 2047Appendix: 133HTML: 3462 -
Development and test of a spring-finger roller-type hot pepper picking header
584PDF: 330HTML: 3 -
Design of attitude-adjustable chassis and dynamic stress analysis of key components for crawler combine harvester
270PDF: 178Supplementary: 5HTML: 1 -
Assessing, measuring and modelling erosion in calanchi areas: a review
1827PDF: 1216HTML: 1316 -
Hot foam and hot water for weed control: A comparison
2583PDF: 821HTML: 90 -
Dynamic thermal simulation on retrofitting scenarios for semi-extensive sheep farms
1637PDF: 742HTML: 795 -
Definition of thermal comfort of crops within naturally ventilated greenhouses
1165PDF: 294HTML: 6 -
Best practices in post-flood surveys: The study case of Pioverna torrent
2570PDF: 458HTML: 37 -
Cropping pattern simulation-optimization model for water use efficiency and economic return
1380PDF: 579HTML: 78 -
A software package for predicting design-flood hydrographs in small and ungauged basins
3071PDF: 924HTML: 1933 -
Fast measurement by infrared spectroscopy as support to woody biofuels quality determination
2358PDF: 1124HTML: 1277 -
Thermo-fluid-dynamic modelling of a cold store for cheese maturation
2853PDF: 760HTML: 430 -
Performance evaluation of cassava starch-zinc nanocomposite film for tomatoes packaging
1829PDF: 909HTML: 417 -
Structural design and experimental tests on a model of tensegrity greenhouse prototype
1107PDF: 590HTML: 210 -
Thermo-mechanical response of rigid plastic laminates for greenhouse covering
69615PDF: 1026HTML: 522 -
Terraced landscapes: risk and liability
282PDF: 164HTML: 3 -
Development of a flaming machine for the disinfection of poultry grow-out facilities
3350PDF: 968HTML: 1623 -
An active-optical reflectance sensor in-field testing for the prediction of winter wheat harvest metrics
Agrivoltaic systems towards the European green deal and agricultural policies: a review
386PDF: 339HTML: 11 -
Limits and prospects of photovoltaic covers in Mediterranean greenhouses
3185PDF: 840HTML: 846 -
Vibration produced by hand-held olive electrical harvesters
3027PDF: 724HTML: 1402 -
Daily exposure to hand arm vibration by different electric olive beaters
2179PDF: 713HTML: 1429
1 - 97 of 97 items