Search Results
Found 80 items.
Bank erosion and large wood recruitment along a gravel bed river
1903PDF: 888HTML: 643 -
Evaluating flow regime alterations due to point sources in intermittent rivers: A modelling approach
864PDF: 460S1: 207S2: 232S3: 165HTML: 43 -
Evaluation of the morphological quality index in the Cordevole river (Bl, Italy)
3775PDF: 1157HTML: 1736 -
Using a terrestrial laser scanner to detect wood characteristics in gravel-bed rivers
2161PDF: 773HTML: 520 -
Best practices in post-flood surveys: The study case of Pioverna torrent
2520PDF: 434HTML: 35 -
Classifications of runoff and sediment data to improve the rating curve method
1506PDF: 717HTML: 262 -
Suburban waterfront with ecological and recreational function: planning based on network analysis
3653PDF: 929HTML: 1213 -
Assessing, measuring and modelling erosion in calanchi areas: a review
1781PDF: 1200HTML: 1313 -
Establishing soil loss tolerance: an overview
3084PDF: 1790HTML: 2805 -
Testing mechanical characteristics of chestnut stakes used in bed sills for stream restoration
1352PDF: 744HTML: 103 -
Assessing the physical vulnerability of check dams through an empirical damage index
3797PDF: 1021HTML: 2582 -
Cropping pattern simulation-optimization model for water use efficiency and economic return
1313PDF: 557HTML: 76 -
Vernacular farm buildings in landscape planning: a typological analysis in a southern Italian region
2968PDF: 1003HTML: 1698 -
Multi-temporal geomorphometric analysis to assess soil erosion under different tillage practices: A methodological case study
1060PDF: 484Appendix: 118HTML: 43 -
Zanthoxylum infructescence detection based on adaptive density clustering
A software package for predicting design-flood hydrographs in small and ungauged basins
2989PDF: 913HTML: 1932 -
Assessment of drought stress in arid olive groves using HidroMORE model
1332PDF: 651HTML: 48 -
ArduHydro: a low-cost device for water level measurement and monitoring
902PDF: 702HTML: 18 -
Towards a smart automated surface irrigation management in rice-growing areas in Italy
2882PDF: 1331HTML: 1289 -
Life cycle assessment: an application to poplar for energy cultivated in Italy
8967PDF: 1009HTML: 788 -
Algorithms for the interpretation of continuous measurement of the slurry level in storage tanks
3574PDF: 632HTML: 742 -
Flow resistance of partially flexible vegetation: A full-scale study with natural plants
1162PDF: 704HTML: 64 -
Evaluation of carrying capacity and territorial environmental sustainability
4744PDF: 1053HTML: 2977 -
Pre-treatment of biomasses using magnetised sulfonic acid catalysts
2093PDF: 612HTML: 405 -
Apple recognition and picking sequence planning for harvesting robot in a complex environment
Parameter estimation of soil water retention curve with Rao-1 algorithm
711PDF: 298HTML: 84 -
A method for handlebars ballast calculation in order to reduce vibrations transmissibility in walk behind tractors
2332PDF: 911Appendix: 264HTML: 586 -
Evaluation of ammonia emissions from filtration of digestate used for fertigation
1298PDF: 565HTML: 34 -
Green infrastructure planning based on ecosystem services multicriteria evaluation: the case of the metropolitan wine landscapes of Bordeaux
795PDF: 377APPENDIX: 66HTML: 18 -
Experimental analysis on concrete blocks reinforced with Arundo donax fibres
1630PDF: 705HTML: 33 -
Statistical assessment of vegetation dynamics within protected areas using remote sensing data
2692PDF: 793HTML: 833
1 - 80 of 80 items